Hello friends, I am starting a new story and I am thrilled you are here for the first of many snippets prior to publication, which I hope will be sometime this Autumn. Without further ado, here is the opening of A Rose by Any Other Name.


The first memory of my re-birth was of mind-numbing cold. It settled into my bones. Into my very soul, and I could not stop shaking. The second memory was the voice of Father, calling for someone to help him pull me from the water. How I got into the river is still a mystery, as is my name and where I am from.

Let me start from the beginning as I know it.

Father found me injured and bedraggled in the river Derwent and claimed me as his own. That is, until… if… we ever find my true family. He had been riding his estate, of which the Derwent flows through a vast portion. Thank goodness it was a beautiful sunny day, or I might not have survived, because the sun glinted off my amber cross necklace and that is what drew him to the river’s edge, whereupon he discovered me draped across a large log which had gotten snagged on an exposed root of a willow tree.

Rules of engagement for Weekend Writing Warriors:

Weekend Writing Warriors is a fun blog hop where authors share eight to ten lines from a Work in Progress. If you'd like to check out some of the other author's writing, please click on this link: WeWriWa


  1. Interesting start of your new book. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  2. Quite an exciting start to the story. The very first of it reminded me of the beginning of David Copperfield, for some reason. But I'm now hooked! Tweeted.

  3. Nicely descriptive backstory. Drew me right in!

  4. This makes me want to know more. I enjoyed the excerpt!

  5. Intriguing. Cant wait to read more.


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