First Page Friday ~ Kelly MILLER

Temporary Cover provided by Sue Barr

Today, my guest is Kelly Miller with her #JAFF novel: Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley. Because the book is scheduled to publish this upcoming June, she's not able to provide buy links. However, if you find this snippet intriguing and want to know more about Kelly, you can connect with her on Facebook. I'm sure she'll keep all of us up-to-date from there.


When an Angel of Death forces Fitzwilliam Darcy to host his sojourn in the world of mortals, Darcy's happy, well-ordered life becomes a chaotic nightmare. Does Darcy have any hope of protecting his family from the mercurial whims of an all-powerful angel?

Fitzwilliam Darcy has everything a man could ask for. A man of fortune, property, and good social standing, he is blissfully married to his wife, Elizabeth, and has a young son. With so much to live for, he is deeply shaken by a near fatal riding accident. Darcy miraculously escaped without injury, but soon he is visited by an otherworldly being, an Angel of Death, Graham. Graham compels Darcy to act as his guide for his sojourn in the world of mortals, and makes it clear that refusing would have dire consequences.

Darcy almost immediately begins to question Graham's true motives for choosing to stay at Pemberley. Can he trust Graham's assurance that no harm will come to his wife and child? Why does Graham insist on spending time with Elizabeth? How can Darcy possibly protect his family from an angel who has power over life and death?

In this romantic fantasy, the beloved couple from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice are forced to deal with both human and unearthly challenges. Will their extraordinary love conquer all or are the fates against them?"

First Page:

Chapter 1: The Remarkable Mr. Graham
 September 14, 1815
The view afforded by the precipice not three feet from Fitzwilliam Darcy was vast and daunting to most, but the gentleman spared nary a glance to the stupendous prospect of the limestone ravine below. He had taken this trail hundreds of times before, as had Regal, his majestic, black Arabian stallion.
The horse flicked his ears back now and again as his master expounded in great detail on the presents he had purchased for his wife and son. Although considered by most a laconic sort, Darcy had discovered as a child that talking to horses benefitted both parties; the sound of his voice calmed the horses, and he was more comfortable talking with them than with people. He leaned forward in the saddle as he spoke, his mind focused upon his discourse. In listing to Regal the virtues of the notable equine specimens scheduled for delivery from the neighboring estate, he reaffirmed in his own mind that he had chosen well.
A cutting gust interrupted his thoughts with a pervasive discomfort, prompting him to raise the collar of his greatcoat and affirming his choice to take this particular route; the narrow, winding trail was a faster route to Pemberley than the road.
Because of circumstances beyond his control, he had been spending precious little time with his wife and child of late. His steward, Mr. Hughes, had resigned his position several weeks earlier, announcing his intention of marrying and relocating with his new wife in Scotland. Until he found the right person for that crucial post, he was forced to deal with a multitude of tasks his steward would customarily have handled.
Oh dear, the next few paragraphs will place our dear Mr. Darcy in dire circumstances...
Congratulations Kelly. I wish you all the best in this wonderful adventure of publishing. Until then,
P.S. Remember to hug someone you love today


  1. Hello Sue, thank you so much for having me today! This will be my first ever published novel, so it is exciting and just a little daunting. I appreciate the support.

    1. You are more than welcome. I remember when I started out and when it's your turn, you'll pay it forward as well.

  2. I read this excellent story on AHA and can hardly wait until Kelly publishes. Reading this short first page reminds me of the tension of that scene! Thanks for sharing, Kelly and Sue!

  3. Enjoyed the first page, Kelly. I want to read the rest of this novel. Congratulations! Thank you, Sue, for featuring Kelly Miller today.

    1. Thank you, Janet. You will love the end result brought about with the help of Meryton Press's wonderful editors.

    2. Oh, now you have my interest piqued. I'm anxious to see what happens!


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