What famous person in history would you like to meet?

What a conundrum - my list is too long for this post. The biblical characters alone would fill this page and look like the chapter where so-and-so begat so-and-so. The major ones being Christ Himself, Esther, and Adam and Eve (I mean, they WALKED WITH GOD!!). I guess that would have to also include Moses and Enoch as they also walked/conversed with God. Then there's David, Daniel, Paul, John (the Revelator), and on, and on, and on... See what I mean? My only comfort is that, as a Christian, I believe when I finally ascend to Heaven, I'll see them all there. So, I guess I'll get my wish someday.

My other choices are varied. They include Jane Austen, Smith Wigglesworth, Katherine Kuhlman, Billy Graham, and finally a woman I always admired - Corrie ten Boom. Her faith, which had been honed by the very fires of hell at Auschwitz, serves as a template for all of us. Years after her release, at a meeting where she was the guest speaker, one of the attendees came up to shake her hand and she recognized that person as one of her guards from Auschwitz. Can you imagine the fear? The flash of anger, maybe even a shimmer of hatred? Corrie wrote that she prayed for God to lift her hand as she couldn't do it on her own accord and He granted her prayer. Through this simple act of faith, she was able to forgive. How I would have loved to meet her and learn from this wise woman. 

Who would you love to meet, if given the chance?


  1. I always enjoy learning about lesser-known people. Thank you for sharing this story.

  2. My pleasure, Cara. If you ever want to read the full story of her capture and imprisonment, it can be found in the book called, 'The Hiding Place.' The story about the guard is found in her book called, 'Tramp With The Lord.'


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