We left off and Evangeline was being nagged by a disquieting thought...
Had she been discovered and this was but a game of cat and mouse for the dark stranger, or had he happened upon her and recognizing her decided to follow her movements? Much as she'd love to shadow him today, she wasn't prepared and so, the hunt would begin in earnest tomorrow. Utilizing one of her carefully crafted disguises she'd wait for him to show. As this was where he 'lost' her, she theorized he'd resume the search in the same area, hoping to stumble across her again.
Strolling down the street, stopping every now and then to test the ripeness of a fruit, or smell the flowers from the ever present flower girl, she wondered who or what he'd become tomorrow. His last two creations had been ingenious and she would have missed him today if not for that scarf. First rule of being a good spy - never, ever draw attention to yourself. She tutted and shook her head. Cavendish drummed that into her head day and night for weeks prior to them joining Viscount Castlereigh's delegation to Spain in 1808.
Ah, Cavendish.

So, she is about to hunt the hunter and is appreciative of his creativity, but who is Cavendish?

For information about what Weekend Writing Warriors is all about and their ever pesky rules of keeping your creative juices corralled to eight-ten lines, click HERE. From there you can also click on other authors links and read what they've contributed this week.

Always with love,
Sue B


  1. So the hunter is to become the hunted. She certainly seems to know her way around skulking and spying. And yes, who is Cavendish? Great suspense!

  2. Oooo, lovely scene. I love the idea of the disguise.

  3. I'm loving this, Sue! She's smart, observant and perhaps about to be schooled on the art of deception!

  4. I like the way she thinks! Yeah--who IS Cavendish! :-)Wonderfully intriguing snippet, Sue!

    1. Cavendish is an extremely important person. More will be revealed later in the story.

  5. Oh so interesting - I wondered if she'd try to turn the tables on whoever is following her! Really a great story and I just ate the excerpt up :)

    1. I'm having fun writing this, of course a great friendship will evolve from this as she has a cameo appearance in my current WIP.

  6. That last line is delicious. It makes you reassess everything that's happening.

    1. That's the whole idea. Thanks for visiting, Ed.

  7. So...I have to wonder about the scarf. Is her follower that careless or is this a ploy to get her to follow him? Is he turning the tables on her? Or she on him? Delightful.

    1. Wellll... you'll just have to wait and see *wink*


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