What is the one thing avid Jane Austen Fan Fiction readers like the most? The easy answer is - anything written about Jane Austen's beloved characters. But... what would you say if you knew you could get a boatload of JAFF books for free?
That got your interest, didn't it?
The good news is this. On June 28, a plethora - I really like that word - a plethora of JAFF authors will band together for a one-day extravaganza and you, my friend, can be among the lucky participants. On that day, a link will be provided here, as well as on my Facebook page. If you have not already 'liked' my page, at the top of the right-hand column, there is a link to my author page. I would truly like to have you follow me, not only for this wonderful event but for future news about my upcoming releases and writing journey.
Every book being offered will be FREE. Not free as in Kindle Unlimited where you have to have the KU subscription, but free as in zero dollars. You pay nothing. Nada. Bupkiss. It's almost too good to be true and trust me, I will be right there along with you, my virtual shopping cart in hand as I browse the 'bookshelves'.
I cannot wait and I hope you are as excited about this as me!
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