Welcome everyone.

I am back! The last time I posted to Weekend Writing Warriors was in March of this year. Please forgive me for being so tardy, but... real life intrudes.

During my 'hiatus' I published CATHERINE. Thank you to all of you who commented on the posts that featured Kitty and Lord George. I had a wonderful time promoting her and stacked up some lovely reviews.

This story, MARY, is one I dabble with when taking a break from GEORGIANA, Book Three of my Pride & Prejudice continued... series. MARY focuses on Miss Mary Bennet of Longbourn and Mr. Darcy's cousin, The Honorable Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam.

Considerable license taken with punctuation and sentence structure to meet the 10 line requirement of this fun writing exercise.
Mary was seated directly across the table from him, not that he could see her past the elaborate epergne that graced the center of the table. But he could hear laughter. Copious amounts of laughter and all of it from the men seated around her. The loudest came from the young gentleman he’d been introduced to only an hour ago - Mr. Timothy Camden. Heir presumptive to the Camden baronetcy. Richard loathed him on sight.
The man was so beautiful, there was no other word for it, he may as well have been painted by Michelangelo - it was unnatural. But the coup de grace happened when upon being introduced to Miss Bennet, he took her hand in his and kissed it, proclaiming her beauty should be put to paint.
He'd like to put something to paint, and it wouldn't be the lovely face of Miss Bennet. 
To check out what this weekly blog hop is all about and to find other authors who participate, please click HERE.

Have a wonderful week, and remember to hug someone you love today.


  1. I like that last line!

    Welcome back to wewriwa! Life does intrude sometimes. Congrats on the release. :-)

    1. Thank you, Teresa. I'm having fun with this one, yet I MUST work on Georgiana!!!

  2. I sense a wee bit of rivalry. I wonder if Mr. Camden notices it.

    1. If it's not in a reflected surface, Mr. Camden may not even know it exists!

  3. Absolutely delicious. Sue, you have a remarkable talent bringing back a past well worthwhile and adding a sly sense of humor. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. It's good to have a frustrated hero. He can't gain the heroine's hand too soon, correct??

  4. An intriguing snippet! And congrats on your release!

  5. Great painting of the scene!

  6. I love the last line. LOL Great snippet. Welcome back!

  7. Oh, the quiet, semi-polite anger. Great undercurrents in this snippet. They definitely shine in that last line!

  8. I loved the snippet. Ended too soon though. lol Love the last line. :)

  9. Sorry to be so late commenting, was on a tight deadline for a book! This snippet is so much fun - I love your take on the other characters in this world and thoroughly enjoy reading more about them. You have a really good and smooth 'voice' for the people and the time.

  10. Love the last line. And welcome back!


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