We left off with poor Kitty sitting in the bottom of the ditch, covered by mud and weeds. Not the best way to meet a young man, even if he was the one that forced you into said ditch.
He slipped and slid closer and with a perfunctory ‘Sorry’, cradled her in his arms and lifted. She clenched her jaw tight and tried to not cry out, but couldn’t stop a small whimper from escaping.
“I’m truly sorry, Miss Bennet. I wouldn’t blame your father if he called for a public flogging because of my recklessness.”
“No worries, Lord George,” she panted out in quick breaths. “Father isn’t bothered by much. Mama wore him down years ago.”
She thought she heard him chuckle and dared to glance up at his face, which was achingly close now that he held her in his arms. She noted a firm chin and full mouth, which was most definitely curved in a smile at her comment. Before he caught her staring, she fixed her eyes on the ditch they stood in.
Well, I made it under the ten line limit without resorting to creative punctuation. Yea me!

For other author's work and rules of how Weekend Writing Warriors work, please click the link here.
I look forward to seeing you all next week, and remember to hug someone you love today. Even if you're mad at them right now. HUG THEM! You'll be glad you did.


  1. I smiled at that moment, too. A great snippet! :)

  2. AnonymousMay 20, 2017

    I gather this isn't they're first meeting, yet it has the hallmarks of a meet cute.

    1. I TOLD you it would be a meet/cute - albeit painful for Kitty. Poor girl.

  3. Great snippet. I love how she takes the opportunity to observe him. <3

    1. Wouldn't you? In Regency times how often did a young lady get so up close and personal with a handsome man?

  4. Enjoyed the excerpt as always - this is such a fun story!

  5. Awesome excerpt, Sue. I suspect that our heroine is a little more damaged than she is letting on!

  6. Loved the snippet, Sue, and I think she needs to milk this situation for all it's worht! :)

  7. Even though it was the best way to meet, look where she is. In his arms! Great snippet.

  8. Clever girl! I'm sure her humor in a trying situation is appealing to him.

  9. Absolutely love that last paragraph! :D


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