It's finally arrived - the proposal! For all their bickering and misunderstandings, our lovebirds know when they have a good thing.  Enjoy.
She was startled out of her melancholy when he brought her cold bare hands up to his lips and kissed each one.
"I...I don't know what to say."
"Say that you'll allow me to court you properly and after a suitable time, I estimate three weeks, marry me."
She focused on their clasped hands, if she refused him, he would walk away and she'd return to London. Her dull future stretched before her filled with 'what if's' and 'might have's'. She raised her gaze to his and said, "Yes, I'll marry you, Mr. Kerr."
He cupped her face in his large hands and brought her face closer to his. She rose to meet his kiss, but he paused and whispered, "May I kiss you, Miss Bingley?"
Her heart soared and she whispered back, against lips that were but a hair's breadth away, "Yes."
"Thank God."


Every week a dedicated group of authors post eight to ten lines from their current WIP. I've cheated a bit because I was posting from CAROLINE and published it early February, but I wanted those who have been following to at least see an end to this love story. TADA!

If you would like to check out the other writers who participate in this venture, please click here.

I will be doing a promotional blog tour for CAROLINE. Check back often and starting Mar 12, if you click the blog tour ad on the right side bar, it will take you to whichever blog/review site I'm at on that particular day. Some of the fun posts will be: The Newlywed Game - 1812 style; The Making of a Cover; The Music Behind the Woman and of course...GIVEAWAYS! You readers are a thirsty lot. :)

Have a blessed day, and remember to hug someone you love.


  1. Let's hope she's marrying him for more than just avoiding a bleak future.

  2. What a tender scene, a future she'd be wise to cling to. Well done, Sue!

  3. I love that he asks her permission to kiss her, even though they are now betrothed. Quite the gentleman is Mr. Kerr!

  4. Well.....Mr. Kerr needed to redeem himself, he'd been a bit of a poop early on.

  5. Yay! Congrats to the happy couple.


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