This week I am continuing to share from my WIP ~ Man of Her Dreams. In this scene, Lindsay's best friend, who's married to her brother, has just shared they are having a baby. At first Lindsay is stunned. It had been a lifelong plan that she and Tina would have their children at the same time, that they'd grow up together, etc., etc. and she's struggling with a little bit of jealousy/hurt because Lindsay is still single with no guy on the foreseeable horizon.

“A baby, I’m so happy for you, Tina. And you too, Nick.”
She cupped her brother's face and patted his cheek, something their great aunt always did. Aunt Grace doled out cheek pinches and chocolate bars and lived alone with four cats. Lindsay stopped mid pat, a horrifying thought sliding through her mind like mercury.
She loved chocolate.

And cats.

Lindsay recognized the sympathetic look on Tina’s face. Oh crap. If she didn’t pull up her big girl panties, Tina would set her up on another blind date, and to put it bluntly, she sucked at matchmaking.

If you would like to read more from Man of Her Dreams, I have entered Harlequin's - So You Think You Can Write (SYTYCW15) contest on Wattpad. Please remember to vote if you like my story.

 Be sure to check out my fellow Weekend Writing Warriors.


  1. Cool snippet. I love how she realizes in mid-movement than she's turning into her aunt.

    1. Thank you. Lindsay is a fun character to write.

  2. Oh DEAR, that was a wildly effective snippet! Loved it...

    1. Thank you, and I hope you had a chance to check out the other weekend writers. This is such fun!


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